Jeffrey S. White


Jeffrey WhiteJeff was the youngest of four children born to a mom who, while she was working hard and busy caring for everyone else, took time to set a wonderful example for Jeff both in her work ethic and her love for animals.

Jeff loved dogs his whole life, starting with the family pets. But he had a soft spot for his first very own dog, Freddie, a stray he brought home when he was 9 who became his constant companion.

When Jeff was an adult, stray dogs would also just show up at his companies from time to time. Jeff would feed them, gain their trust and pay for their vet costs. He would care for them until he could place them in a new home or just keep them and they would join his family of fur kids. Like Murray, one of the strays who was so weak and half-starved when Jeff found him that he couldn't even tell what breed he was. Murray turned out to be a beautiful Australian shepherd and was with Jeff right up until he died. As was Girlie, a yellow Lab, and Toddy, a Scottish terrier.

Jeffrey White with his sister, Debbie JacksonThe world needs more people like my brother Jeff. He was kind, loving, generous and brave. He started his companies with nothing and never looked back. When the time came and he knew he had to make a will, the first bequest he chose to write was to the Atlanta Humane Society. He valued organizations like AHS and the important work they do.

I am proud to be Jeff's sister. He is a man who deserves remembering, just as he remembered the dogs he loved with this bequest that is now helping thousands more homeless animals find happy homes.

Submitted by Debbie Jackson, sister